Thursday, May 1, 2008

Cutting Clan Up-date...

This past month has been a very eventful month for the Cutting Clan. Don and Wendy got married last Saturday, Nastasha had a baby girl, Ron retired from McGavins this week and Harv and Doreen are off on a two week cruise to some exotic place. Dad had an operation, which we are thankful went quite well and Madeline is back home again. Ken and Jade have set a wedding date for the end of July and Justine and Chad have moved to Vernon closer to their great grandparents, whom I hope they keep in touch with. Andrea is expecting a new daughter fairly soon. Not sure whats been happening in Dan and Donna's life but hope its only good stuff. Thats not bad for a family that can cruise along without anything exciting happening for long periods of time. We are not having a family reunion this year as Dad and Gloria are going to Sask. the end of June for a nursing reunion for Gloria. Next year I believe its in Kamloops all things going well.
So I am off to Langley next week on a quilting retreat, looking forward to seeing family and friends that I only see once a year and having a great time of shopping and laughing, enjoying each others company.

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