Thursday, October 9, 2008

All by myself....

Well, I got a very rude awakening this morning, as hubby got an early call to go to work. So it seems I have the day to myself! That means a fun day of guilt-free quilting for me. Its a dull grey day and the garden is all put to bed for the winter so there is nothing pressing to do.

I am going to spend the day thinking about and praying for my daughter as she undergoes a biopsy on her breast. I know everything will be fine as I have asked God to make it so, but a mother still must think about it.

The grandkids are coming for supper but don't have to do anything about that for a few hours yet.

Hubby is off to go quading for the long weekend. Its always nice to have a time for ones self, just not to think about meals and just to do as one wants ......just for a little while. I don't mind being alone....just for a little while. To contemplate being alone for the rest of my life is unthinkable. Okay I know we are never alone because God promises to always be there for us, but you know what I mean! There are times when its nice to be in our own little bubble!